My Quiz

Programs purpose

For my quiz, I wanted it to quiz based on US history. I made it so it had 3 questions. When creating the quiz, there were several parts. First I made a “correct” and “incorrect”, and “start” screen. I also made the “quiz1” , “quiz2” , and “quiz3” screens that showed the questions. When the user starts the code, he is prompted with a start quiz button, once clicked he is directed to the quiz1 screen. If the answer is answerd correctly, the score will be logged +1 and the user will be redirected to the correct screen. If answerd incorrect, the score will be logged -1 and the user will be redirected to the incorrect screen. At the end the code brings up the “FinalScore” screen which shows the percent you got on the quiz.

Data Abstraction

In the image below you can see how I logged the score throughout the code. I used the “settext” function to abstract the data stored in the “score” variable. The “settext” function took the data and placed it on a label on the “FinalScore” page.


This is the link to my quiz.