Laurie Santos Psychology and the Good Life Notes

Students at Yale are privelaged to be there, but react with anxiety because they are so stressed, they cant make use of the good opportunities they have

Students have little time to do the things the love

Students are too stressed to enjoy simple pleasures on what they like to do (Ex: Reading books)

Gratitude List

Things in greatful for:

My family

My friends

My life

My everyday essentials

Gratitude towards friends

A letter I wrote to them: “I enjoy every moment with hanging out with you, thank you for understanding me”.

Gratitude towards person at home

I always tell my parents about how much they mean to me, and how greatful I am to be taken care from them. “Thank you for being a good rolemodel on how I should be when i’m older.”


Academic: I want to be succesfull in the way I think, and manage my time towards school and learning

Personal: I want to be the best person I can be, and maintain care for my body.

Personal Goals for CSP

I want to learn more about programing, and using my knowelege to improve on other things

Things i’ve done to myself

On Sunday, I walked on the beach with my mom and enjoyed the sunset. It’s been a while since i’ve walked on the beach with my mom so it was nice